TIC Means
The resources of digital environments of learning are basically same the existing ones in the Internet (post office, frum, chat, conference, bank of resources etc.). These environments have the advantage to propitiate the management of the information as definite preset criteria of organization in accordance with the characteristics of each software and possess banks of information represented in different linked medias and by means of connections (links internal or external to the system). The management of these environments says respect to the different aspects, being distinguished it management of the communication strategies and mobilization of the participants, the management of the participation of the pupils by means of the register of covered productions, interactions and ways, the management of the support and orientation of the formadores to the pupils and the management of the evaluation. The digital environments of learning can be used as support for systems of education in the distance carried through exclusively online, for support to the actual activities of classroom, allowing to expand the interactions of the lesson stops beyond the space-time of the meeting face-the-face or for support to the activities of half-actual formation in which the digital environment could in such a way be used in the actual actions as in the activities in the distance STORY OF an EXPERIENCE IN the EDUCATION In the distance: According to professor Samuel Howl of Aquino Due the diversity of the Brazilian reality and the difficulty or until impossibility of access for considerable parcel of the population, the education in the distance in Brazil will continue coexisting the different boardings. While mechanisms are looked to democratize the education in all the levels, great contingent of people unloaded of the access to the TIC will in the distance continue participating of courses by means of conventional technologies. However, these courses can become more interactive and assume a boarding next to virtual together being from the envolvement of the formadores in a program of its proper formation continued by means of the TIC that the light one to reflect on the contributions of these technologies to practical the pedagogical one.