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Lowrise Residential Buildings

This text describes the material from Mercator I can help you build a house. Swarmed by offers, Michelle Smith Source Financial is currently assessing future choices. What is CTS and what is their uniqueness? Structural insulated panels (SIP) – is an ideal material for building walls, ceilings and roof. The uniqueness of the material lies in its unusual structure. Each QFT – is pressed multilayer block, the extreme fibers – is oriented particle board (OSB), softwood veneer, which manufactured in Europe and represent a three-layer slab of plotnopressovannuyu plane oriented chips softwood glued synthetic environmentally friendly adhesives under high pressure and temperatures. Between them is the insulation – solid polystyrene, which is connected to the CAP environmentally friendly adhesives under high pressure.

This material has a high moisture resistance, no fibers do not crack or distort. What can I use CTS? Structural insulated panels (SIP) is used in the construction of walls, ceilings, floors and roofs. Thus, due to its integrity, composite panel, make it practically useless lumber. Of structural insulated panels (SIP) develops a strong universal frame of the building, and installation time is significantly reduced in Compared to conventional construction methods, such as logs. And, thanks to the fact that these panels reduce the acoustic permeability, some builders use them as internal walls. What advantages do QFT? unique insulating properties: 2-fold higher than that of mineral wool layer is dry; 4 times higher than that of wood; 10 times higher than the foam; 17 times higher than the bricks are durable QFT: the estimated lifetime – 80 years ; QFT nearly hydrophobic: the lack of ability to absorb (absorb) moisture, and any moisture absorbency limit less than 1%, which in practice means immutable characteristics of heat-in any weather conditions, quality indicators: water resistance, resistance to rot, mildew, atmospheric phenomena, quantum field theory relatively fire-resistant, incapable of independent combustion: in finishing drywall interior walls limit fire resistance design is about 1 hour.

The Case

In the case of mechanical fastening cover is spread on the floor, his paintings are glued together and then fastened to around the perimeter of the roof. In this case, shrinkage and other slip of the building fabric will not feel any stress and will remain intact. Blades welded to the membrane with hot air by means of special welding machines. Merge voduPoskolku flat roof has an angle of 2-5%, the diversion of rain water is no problem. However, to prevent flooding in case of heavy rainfall, it is necessary to arrange a drain. It can be informal and organized.

In the latter case, organize both internal and external drainage. For the device internal drainage entire roof surface is divided into sections in such a way that one had to riser 150-200 m2 (Provided that the pitch is not less than 2%). If the area of the roof less make a riser. In the field gradient at the surface of the roof have gutters funnels that are equipped with special baskets, catching different garbage. Usually they put at the center of the roof, and gutters located within the building. So that the water near the crater would not freeze, and freely poured into the tube, next to her on an area of 1 m2 with cable systems carry heating roof.

And for year-round domestic guttering, chimneys have them (the length) in the heated zone. Although flat roofs are usually associated with internal drainage systems, as an alternative to them use and external drains. They are used to divert water for unheated buildings and annexes, having a single slope roof. Inside the need to install the cable to the winter they would not freeze water.


For the stability of the construction must have the chairs on corners of the wooden house and at the intersection of walls. The distance between each chair no more than 3 meters. Each pillar of this foundation can hold up to tons of structural weight of the structure, but it does have its drawbacks: the fragility of due to constant contact with the ground of wooden chairs. To improve the performance of, wood chars, is impregnated with tar and special oils. Stone pier foundation is strong and durable.

Poles a foundation made of granite, quarry stone, brick – iron ore. On this foundation your wood house will stand for a very long time. Precast pier foundation is ideal if your site is located in damp or wetland areas. Sbornyystolbchaty foundation – a Pillars of the rigid base plate. The pillars for a foundation made of concrete, metal or asbestos cement reinforced pipes. Monolithic columnar foundation placed on the ground slabouvlazhnenny if in the process of preparation of the pit water leaks, the soil is strengthened “cement milk”. During the filling hole, concrete is poured and the layers shtykovaniem compacted.

No species of columnar foundation is not suitable for log houses with a basement or plinth. The advantages of the columnar base: – cost – simple construction Disadvantages: – unstable in horizontally-moving ground – there is no possibility of constructing a basement foundation Belt. In the construction of wooden houses used less frequently, mainly for the construction of two-storey houses and bathhouses of the timber. Application this foundation is more suitable for heavy constructions. With the construction of a foundation may erection basement, cellar, garage, but its disadvantages are also obvious: high cost, complexity, duration construction. For this type of foundation required a large amount of earth works, but it is common for the construction of simple technology. Monolithic strip foundations formed by a layer of crushed stone, which rammed into the ground. For the panel-frame, wood and timber houses with a basement used for foundation panel. In such a foundation may create openings for windows and doors, as well as additional holes for communications. Additional thermal insulation of walls is not required because a heater is incorporated in the ribs. Precast strip foundations constructed of reinforced concrete and concrete blocks of large size. The foundation is laid for rammed earth, filled with small stones and rubble. Advantages of such foundations are simplicity and fast speed of erection. Cons: the permeability of water in the joints, unsuitable for the construction of home designing complex. Pile foundations consist of individual piles and could not be better suited for the construction of wooden houses, bath houses or cottages. The piles are wooden or reinforced concrete. Wooden more economical, but if they are in the moist ground, then quickly give in to rot. A reinforced concrete are durable, but expensive and difficult to manufacture.

Mother Nature

Wooden houses – a combination of modern technology and ancient traditions. The wooden house has a supernatural force, a special energy, positively affecting the mind and body. In the wooden structure of round logs, there are many advantages. First of all – speed of construction, and secondly – a wholly-owned environmental, third – no need to further trim, fourth – you'll save a decent amount of the material and insulation. A creative approach to the issue of the architect in conjunction with the natural beauty of wood gives a positive result – a modern wooden house.

The main advantage of logs – this is smooth and round shape, driven to the European standard diameter, which ranges from 160 to 340 mm. It is this precision can reach tight connection logs in the construction of the building. The tree must be free of cortex, subjected to milling, to give it a cylindrical shape, to handle its entire surface with special preservatives and flame retardants. Only after that, we can talk about this tree, as a ready logs. All additional details, including the grooves and locks, hold for wooden buildings with amazing accuracy and thoroughness, which greatly affects the quality of the whole structure. Another of the benefits rounded log is astounding hardiness and changes due to Not being exposed to direct sunlight. These fine homes retain heat in winter and cool in hot, and these figures are several times higher than those of brick and concrete houses.

The most popular type of facilities, to elevate a number of wooden houses, is a Russian log sauna. That is its unique walls provide it for quite some time, special relationship and love. The urgency and the need for specialized ventilation systems in log saunas ceases to have any meaning, if the technology in the construction of log calculations walls observed impeccably. Then the walls called "breathable". Small holes in the walls in the form of windows contribute to free and helping to cool vozduhooborotu use of facilities. In a log sauna humidity control need no longer be relevant. And here the important role played by the wooden walls. If you want to always feel Mother Nature's natural scent freshly cut wood, you only have to make sure that your room will never dry up completely. Country house from environmentally friendly materials – a huge contribution to the future of your family, which includes not only rest and comfort now, but also health for years to come. In a wooden house you can easily forget about all the pitfalls of modern life, to disconnect from everyday problems, and recover the spent force. Only in a wooden house may feel extraordinary calmness, warmth and comfort.