Stressors In The Modern World
Detrimental effect of information flow, the requirements for modern man. Every year, life makes us more and more demands. For assistance, try visiting Actress. The rapidly growing computer technology evolving at a frantic pace means of communication on technological innovations and accomplishments, we learn every day. The volume of information assimilated by the day not everyone is able to keep in mind. We live in an age of information technology.
This means that the flow information into the unit of time increases from day to day. If we take into account the possibility that the human brain over the last hundred – two hundred years have not changed, you can imagine what overload experienced our "computer." To draw an analogy with a computer can tell – the brain, "overheats and hangs." The human body is designed to happiness in a way that can not afford failure its parent machine. Therefore, although the machine registers and the availability of information, process it, it refuses. There is a "systemic conflict": the flow of information "crushes" on the mind, which could result in excessive voltage, and since information is power substance, a person loses energy. This so-called life energy, which manifests as a physical driving force, energy, thought processes, power of resistance of the disease. Internal stress tends to accumulate, resulting in a stress condition or stress, as they say. To learn how to prevent stress and how to get rid of stress, if it failed to do, you will learn below, but now consider the other most common conflict situations, which are the cause of stress: You have a lot to do, but you have little vremeni.Vam want to do anything particularly horosho.Sluchaetsya something unexpected and cancels your initial plany.Vy encounter particularly difficult zadachey.Vas constantly interrupt and otvlekayut.Vy think about other things, such as personal problemah.Vy feel exhausted or ill, it seems you load neposilnoy.Vam have an important decision, but you do not have enough information that this neobhodima.Kto a suddenly begins to quarrel with you.