Painting Ceilings

Better to paint the ceiling white paint. The exception is very high ceilings, which can be visually "reduce" to some other color. Light climate of the room determined by the type lighting. In addition to general and local specialists are distinguished work, orienting and decorative lighting. Overhead lighting can be solved by traditional – chandelier design style solution corresponding to the room. Enough important to have in the room "light duty" as a reading lamp or a sconce. Local light spots – light-night-lights – can create an intimate, cozy atmosphere, as well as delineate space into functional zones. Not should be sharp transitions from bright to shaded areas, as it is harmful to the eye. Add to your understanding with Gwyneth Paltrow.

The switch should be placed at a height of 114 cm from the floor, then the child can turn on and off lights as they wish. In Depending on age, children are often pronounced color preferences, which should be considered in the design of their rooms. In the younger age they prefer succulent open flowers, unusual geometric forms. Approximately nine years in that color – red (little girls purple or pink). From nine to eleven years prevail orange, yellow and green. About twelve years, is scheduled fracture: the child begins think abstractly, and favorite color is blue. The choice of primary colors in the nursery depends on several factors: the orientation and ambient light and color of furniture and decorative fabrics, the choice of general artistic interior solutions, as well as the overall color scheme of apartment or house. Colours can be solved by two basic methods.

The first is to combine similar in tone, pale colors. Main surface – walls, floor, ceiling – the lightest shade, and the furniture – a little darker. With this decision does not exclude the appearance of the bright spots of color, such as paintings, curtains on the window, soft pillows, etc. The second method of color solutions based on the harmonious combination of contrasting colors. Importantly, in the nursery should reign clear and unambiguous affable mood. Furniture, tables for games and work should be neutral, it is best of wood. Very colorful toys or school supplies may be in a color table to create disharmony, which will irritate the child. Color solution predominantly bright warm colors create a cheerful, light mood, then optically room seem spacious and comfortable. Yellow of all shades of exciting acts, making the room spacious. Yellow-green, warm colors, friendly, cheerful, close to nature in the light colors optically expanding the premises, and in the dark – constrict. Negative effect on the psyche of children have a large surface, painted with white paint, which gives a gloss, and black, which strongly absorbs light. Purple color with prolonged exposure causes fatigue. Color preferences child express their emotional needs that must be considered when choosing a nursery environment. Every child – is independent person, and regardless of wealth and social status of the family parents are trying to create for your child comfortable space. Children have a sense of ownership developed no less than adults. Room a small man, perhaps the most difficult but most interesting for designers. She is constantly "growing" is changed, transformed into a relatively short time. It happens every day and a bedroom and playroom, and classroom and a small living room. It places an indelible imprint on the subsequent life of man, the development of personality, talents and opens the hidden door in a huge, exciting world of the child.