Musical Ability
Musical ability, their formation and development of one of the most interesting problems, which attracts the attention of researchers for many years. The study of this problem is urgently due to the fact that the development of musical taste, emotional responsiveness in childhood creates a foundation of musical culture of a person in the future. Recent decades are characterized by a significant increase in attention to the development of musical abilities the younger generation, more and more attention is paid to early childhood care and early education of children. Opened children's aesthetic centers, preparatory groups under normal and music schools, choirs studios. But in fully carried out the systematic development of preschool children in a preschool educational institution.
Psychologists have long established that the age of 2-5 years most favorable for rapid development of the child. Musical education also needs to be addressed at an early age. Music is more than any other art form, is available to the child. The earlier children are attached to the world of music, the more music they subsequently become, and the happier and more desirable for them to be more meetings with the music. Musical art, directly and strongly influences a person, in the first years of life occupies a large place in its general cultural development. Music classes in kindergarten contribute to the continuous familiarizing the child to the world of beauty, the formation and development of his musical abilities. However, in pre-school education there is a contradiction between the need to develop musical abilities of preschool children and the lack of developed technologies and techniques aimed at raising interest in the music, the accumulation of musical-creative experience. The observed contradiction actualizes the problem of musical abilities of preschool children through improvisation as a form of creative activity. Source: Peter Thiel. Author Natalia Denisova