Modern Wooden Houses

Construction of wooden houses includes two components – modern technology and ancient traditions. Wooden house has a supernatural force, a special energy, a positive effect on the body and soul. Erection wooden house made of logs going fast enough, if it involved people in the know, besides it is environmentally friendly, requires no additional finishing, and combines such important components as the cheapness of the material and heat resistance. Creativity of the architect to this issue in conjunction with the natural beauty of wood gives a positive result – a modern wooden house. The main advantage logs – this is smooth and round shape, brought up to European standards of diameter, which ranges from 160 to 340 mm. It is this precision allows to achieve a tight connection logs in the construction of buildings. Usually turned to a tree in the present round logs, working on that, many experts, it is removed from the bark, giving it a characteristic cylindrical shape, level it off the surface and covered with a layer special antiseptic, that increase its resistance to various environmental changes. An amazing accuracy and flawless form locks in the round logs allows today's owners do not worry about the safety of their property.

Round logs have excellent resistance to strong frost and hot sun, as well as easily and quickly processed. The most important factor in such houses are unique insulation properties, which are not under force to compete, even stone and concrete walls. In our country the Russian log sauna is not inferior to any of the wood business and residential structures, and continues to peak of popularity. Strong love and popularity came to her through her unique walls. The urgency and the need for specialized ventilation systems in log saunas ceases to have any sense if the technology is laying logs in the construction of walls observed impeccably. Then the walls called "breathable". Although here and provide small windows, above all, they perform the function of cooling after intended use rather than for vozduhooborota.

In a log bathhouse need humidity control is no longer relevant. And here the important role played by the wooden walls. If you want to always feel Mother Nature's natural scent of freshly cut wood, you only have to make sure that your bath will never dry up completely. Having decided to begin home construction from environmentally friendly material, you are thereby are providing yourself, your family and your guests a good rest and a unique microclimate. All this can be called by some long-term session to restore energy, strength and emotional balance, as well as a great place for rest and relaxation. Wooden houses can create a special atmosphere of home comfort, a sense of security and belonging to something beautiful.