Iberian Peninsula

Although it might seem equal, a lawn than a meadow is not the same. The lawn is a mixture of grasses of different families comprising a range of two to five types of them. While the Prairie is a blend of floral herbs with one or at most, two. If we look at nature, and observed the Prairies that spontaneously arise in each zone and region of the Iberian Peninsula, we see that a meadow without floral herbs in any climatic zone we choose within our varied climate there is. Since many years ago, in the gardens of houses townhouses, single-family, both independent, as well as public, we fall into the error of not choosing meadows but lawns. But it is logical, given that references them to continue to form a green meadow, just have them in football sports fields and public green areas, which do not qualify as gardens. Thus, the majority want your garden to have a tapestry of a short selection of grasses, the more similar to that a football stadium, it looks best.

Without falling into the account that this blend, specially created for a sports field, not found anywhere in nature, maintenance given in a sports field are innumerable, as well as their risks and mowings. The right thing is to resort to the Prairies, since they naturalize our garden, and give him a character more wild and elegant. Leaving aside the aesthetic, the Prairie is easiest to care for, and most importantly of all, requires much less water, so valuable element in our days. There is much talk of sustainability, Xeriscape, plantasautoctonas, etc. But, when it comes to the truth, who us plans and executes a xerojardin? where we acquired these native plants when we don’t know or are and any nursery sells them? We find ourselves in a vicious circle: nurseries blame the client not to sue native plant, but the client does not request that does not know and so on.

Focusing on the Prairie, which is the issue that concerns us, this live the four seasons of the year, something that does not make the grass; find us equal, visually, both in summer and in winter. The Prairie, on the contrary, in spring are experiencing an explosion of colour and flowers, in summer is a varied mix of Greens that reverdean even more, and in winter are sleeping under a brown in autumn. This brown color, is always very beautiful, natural thing is that a meadow, like all plants, has its life cycle. Can you imagine a winter at the same temperature as a summer? As well, the same thing happens in this aspect. A Prairie that doesn’t change its appearance in any station is the closest thing to an artificial plant. The most beautiful of human beings is their ability to decrease, change and reproduction. If freeze natural cycles, for example in a football or golf field, which must be kept green because the game requires it, we accept it, but taking into account that we lose much of the beauty a Prado: their naturalness. Original author and source of the article