Altina Magalhes Coast During much time the books printed matters had been most important half of diffusion of the knowledge lived deeply for the humanity. The alfabetizao was initiated with the orality, later the writing. Today the books had passed also to be distributed in the electronic format. The digital culture considers a new strategy of alfabetizao, that happens from the manuscript of the keyboard keys of the computer that they are presented the child and it since very early it goes having contacts with varied written texts, games, photos, musics, slides, films, videos, drawings, animaes and other tools that give it possibility to it of multireadings at the same time, this makes with that the child interacts and conquers autonomy in its process of alfabetizao. Before, through printed matters the physical and visual aspect of books was steady and controlled in exclusive way for the author. Already currently the electronic book is fluid, dynamic what it facilitates the sprouting of other styles of writing and reading that demand use of new forms or didactic strategies for the development of the letramento process. The digital culture takes the educational processes especially to suffer a deep transformation in the phase from alfabetizao and the process from letramento that if initiates each time more early. The classroom is transformed into a colaborativo space of learning.

The position of the professor will have to make possible the apprenticees to develop diverse abilities through shared, collective and social attitudes. In these molds the school does not have to use the computer as a tool, but as a transforming agent of the educational process as a whole. Valley to stand out that the computer by itself, does not possess an interactive, transforming characteristic. The way as the school uses the computer, the Internet and other technologies are that it will be able to stimulate in the pupils the creativity, the transmission of information, new forms of sociability and the development of the cognitivas abilities.