Final Release

So it’s time to end the project Pegal. Since the release of its release somewhere podevalis disgruntled customers, specially prepared program for identifying problems is almost not needed. We are absolutely honest declare that this time there was no formal declaration of a failure. Yes it is true it would be known on our forum (). Nevertheless, in a program of such complexity can not be infallible, at least so think our programmers. Therefore, all the while they searched, tested, optimized, even a potentially bad points.

Nice helped our freelance beta testers for what they are thank you very much! Made over a thousand edits, that protect even the theoretically random error. To date, we can openly look into the eyes of its customers, because thousands of times rechecked my code. In addition, during this period have been added and new features. In Basically, this is a complex of facilities. Also, new algorithms, which are required by our clients.

Subsequently, we will tell about the innovations. And today we put this project on the shelf. But while not too far, the library Pegalya compiler vectorization remain on the server, ready for any remedy, if you still need this. Maybe not all sold out his plans all did not happen. But today we come to the line when starting a serious transformation. Of course, our programmers have extensive experience and in primarily concerned about reliability, but still “Pegal” should remain as an absolutely reliable version. The next version of the City will first be tested on human volunteers. Meant to so many new and useful. The same applies to video analytics. Already proven ideas will withdraw it at a new level. A whole cluster of technologies will be devoted to warning, capable to get anywhere and everywhere, and most importantly, highly secure. And finally, will still make the dream of a new design, this created a department of “usability”. The first version will see our beta testers. A Now you can download the () final release GOALcity Pegal. Just say that the update is not required, the previous release was not seen in any problems. “Farewell, Pegal! – Programmers say. – Long years of service in the field of security! “. In this version as the latest technology that its potential will suffice, at least for the next 15-20 years. Even the warranty period is 5 years.