Disaster Recovery Colca
The basic premise for writing this work were massive and very negative reviews of almost all masters of restoration and tuning the piano, made during the discussion of the proposed method in our "Classics". Some of these reviews was of a rather constructive and was grounded in theory, many of my colleagues did not accept the proposed method, in principle, not bothering with some explanations on this issue, some Wizard took my attempts to revive the "non-repairable" tool, as an attempt to undermine their own credibility in advancing discussions on the first place no theoretical justification, no experience in this area, and ambitions of a past master of his craft, which made the debate a few non-structural nature, translating it into the plane of personal relationships. I think it necessary also to note that in discussing this I question greatly enhance their knowledge in this area. For example, I did not know what hole splitting in vilberbanke not drilled along the axis of chopping, but at an angle of about 8 degrees up from her that initially, until landing place is not worn out, due to the expansion force acting on the peg, there is some (albeit small) force, which "utaplivayut" it and improves its functional properties. According to numerous comments and I learned a lot of links to material production and exploitation of the piano, which made it possible to abandon some of their beliefs and reasoning, which I accepted as an axiom, not fully owning the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, for which he is grateful for their opponents. In short, since all the material quite detailed at the forum will explain the issue. When the softening seat chopping when friction is not enough to provide the necessary tension of the strings on the classical technology seeks to restore peg vilberbank, and if it does not provide normal working chopping, then are replaced by chopping a large diameter, or a conclusion about the impossibility of restoring the instrument. . Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Peter Thiel.