Daniel Rops
Its first poetry denotes, therefore, the crisis of the adolescence that if it relates to the stage of transistion of the disappearance of the pure and innocent world of infancy with the rough universe, bad, insensitive and impolite of the adult life. To this respect, Francisco Pablo Mendes comments that (2001: 196): It is the drama spiritual of delicate and demasiadamente sensible adolescents e, for certain, nothing more than what the drama of the pureness of the man, drama that in its paroxysm can generate, as in the case of Rimbaud, according to Daniel Rops, the desperation and the revolt. However, differently of the majority of the other adolescents, express Faustino to feel that still it possesss certain pureness, denoting a benign side of all this situation. The responsible one for allowing to the auto-discovery of its personality, making possible the rise of its soul and the permanence is exactly this pureness and exteriorizao (by means of the poetry) of its more chaste and sublime feelings. Exactly with the disillusionments, Faustino obtained to reserve in its mago its beauty, pureness and delicacy. Below some marks that suggest the consideraes of this its drama spiritual of the transistion adult infancy-life, of its auto-discovery and the presence of the pureness and of raised feelings more in its soul, in its meet mago. ).
saddest of the men/even so never he has been the prodigal/I am only one poor child/for the first time ahead of proper itself/and that it has fear? of the poem Self-portrait, 25/02/1948; b). I hear yours I sing poor person decayed angel/but I am imprisoned and it contemplates me to the vulture? of the Ode poem, 07/03/1948; c). The beauty is only impious the divine ticket/and fugaz? of the poem 1 reason of the rose, 02/04/1948; d). Lode so that the poem was born as its sensible petals: /untouchable and humid of the dew? of the poem 2 reason of the rose, 02/04/1948; e).