Classroom Melee Fighting
It is no secret that each of us wants to have an iron health, a nice athletic figure, a stable psyche. In this age of high technology and furious life dynamics of health problem is very acute, especially in urban areas. Bad environment, lack of exercise, constant stress make people old before retirement age. But already become a victim of the attack the dregs of society on the street today could be absolutely anyone. But, having in its arsenal several elementary punches and kicks, put together in bundles, can adequately recover from this situation.
However, even the most simple technique of warfare must be worked out to automatism. In humans, for the first time touches the secrets of martial arts, once there are questions: 'What strikes the author has in mind and why he calls them the elementary? And what is this technique? And may I also learn to protect themselves and their families, and that for this need to do? " It is this below and will be discussed. Firstly, what is it all right. Indeed, it would seem, bought some gas spray or electric shock, and live quietly. However, by and large, very few carry any means of self-defense, the more they are able to apply correctly. Yes, and you will not use the same gas cartridges, for example, on public transport. In addition, a person with experience in such things just will not let you get it out of pocket, there are some tricks. And so the problem of inactivity and fight with endless stressful gas canister definitely will do little to solve. But the skills of close combat is always with you, they help in many life situations that at first glance is not related to the fight.