Bridge To Total Freedom

System of self in Scientology is based on a table levels. It was developed by L. Ron Hubbard and is applicable to every person who wants to improve various aspects of their lives. Table levels and called Bridge to Total Freedom. In this table has two sides – training and auditing.

Education – is the left side of the bridge. It painted the steps of training an auditor (a person who ‘hears’, he asks questions and the person receive answers to them, resulting in a person starts a new understanding of their life), and that he should be able to perform at each step to proceed to the next. After a certain level of training auditor takes a class that tells which step on the Bridge, he can give to others. Auditing – is the right side of the bridge, which describes the movement of people to the state of the clergy. After each of the steps on this side of the bridge a person acquires a specific ability, which was sent this step. With each subsequent action of the person receives more than last year.

Further progress on the Table of stages increases the level of awareness man, making him more freedom. This system improvement is unique and provides the most stable results. For half a century, many people change their lives for the better thanks to this technology! After that, they can help others in solving problems and improving condition. Contact the auditor right now! “Perhaps you were taught that to know the mind, spirit and life is very difficult. Here is the first principle of Scientology: knowledge of mind, spirit and life is possible.