What Is EM – Technology

The level of soil fertility is primarily determined by the number of species in her living organisms. Due to the life of living microorganisms in the soil formed macro and micro-feed items, and autumn leaf fall, these stocks are constantly replenished. Another source of plant nutrition is left by living creatures after the death of the protein mass. The most important thing in agriculture – not to interfere with the natural survivor, not hurt them and not to destroy shovel or plow the soil structure. Over and over again turning the bed, we turn it into a dead clod of earth. Your immune shield we get together and live a biologically active food that did not grow up on chemicals.

em – technology – a system of biological farming, that has proven successful throughout the world. The main thing in em – technology is getting the highest quality, most delicious and healing needed to effectively treatment products. em – technology cleans the land from chemical and biological contagion, returning it to the biologically active, providing a high level of fertility status. All its tasks em – technology solves by introduction of em (effective microorganisms) and create for them the most favorable living conditions. The rest of the work of effective microorganisms operates without human intervention.

For gardeners range application of em – technology is much wider creative possibilities, both amateurs and professionals are almost unlimited. It is recognized that the main condition for obtaining super-high yields is to make em composts or food derivatives. Anyone who does it right, get 2 – 3 fold increase in yield of almost any crop. And if the conduct and seasonal events for processing vegetable garden and the garden, you can achieve even greater results. Most gardeners em – Technology happy above all the possibility of virtually complete protection of plants from both the disease and the majority of pests. em – technology significantly increases the stability plants to adverse weather factors. In September, continue to bear fruit not only cucumbers and tomatoes, but more heat-loving peppers and eggplants. em – technology accelerates the ripening of fruits. This is especially noticeable in the honeysuckle, and strawberries, which provide a dramatic increase in the harvest.