
Conflicts are eating all your life energy, spoil the psyche. Question: "Will there be a neighbor evening with friends for the next feast, "" When it ceases to take my things without asking, "Who will clean up," Why do I pay for the entire rent, but he does not want to return the money ", etc. swirling in your head and do not give rest. Domestic conflict, becoming a slow poison, is often one of the main reasons why when people drop everything and goes home. And then remember with horror the years pickup apartment. I have many friends who know what incorrect neighbor when he can indulge in drugs, constantly thirsty, for hours talking about his life and terrible envy your success. Or be lazy, constantly borrowing money with a note "I will return" and then forget about it.

Even without just demand the use of your things can take. And these episodes very much. I do not think that can easily get on a student who is thinking about studying and builder, who thinks of a bottle, but the material component makes them do it. In Western countries, such as the U.S. or Canada, solve this problem by using specialized websites. Before you find an apartment in another city looking for potential neighbors.

Watch theirs personal data and are chosen more suitable for living together. Then together already rent an apartment. Of course, there may also be a problem, but their likelihood is lower than the choice of a roommate for a simple case. Not surprising that these sites enjoy wide popularity. I think the use of such resources be justified. In Ukraine, for example, a site with such a theme is, which so far only in the search criteria includes all regional centers. And the opportunity to choose with whom they live with a student or not. This is necessary, first of all, students in universities who did not get places in a hostel, and wishing to rent an apartment with people with similar interests. Search for suitable neighbors is an important part for the successful development and building a career at an early stage. Use the environment, meet people, but do not neglect online resources that are enjoyed by all increasingly popular and offers a real opportunity to find a decent neighborhood.