The Clock

Verification of operation Next, the used procedure is described to verify the operation of a typical mechanical balance. The description of the process is based on the substitution balance. 1. To verify that the balance is made level. The leveling is obtained by means of threaded adjustment gears, located in the base of the balance. The level is obtained centering a bubble on a visible scale in the frontal part of the base of the balance.

2. To verify ground zero. To place in zero the controls and to release the balance. If the reading scale does not stay in zero, it is necessary to fit the adjustment gear of zero that is a fluted screw located On guard horizontal surrounds to the fulcrum. For this it is necessary to block the balance and to fit the mentioned mechanism smoothly. The process continues until the zero fit correctly in the reading scale. 3.

To verify and to fit sensitivity. This is readjusted whenever it is had carried out some internal adjustment. Well-known landlord takes place with a weight and it is come following these steps: a) To block the balance. b) To place a weight landlord in the subject of gossip, equivalent to the rank of the optical scale. c) To place the graduation of the decade of weight inferior in one (1). d) To release the balance. e) To fit ground zero. f) To again place the graduation of the decade of weight inferior in zero (0). The balance it will have to mark 100. If the scale marks less more or than 100, the sensitivity control is due to fit. This supposes to block the balance, to raise to the upper deck and to turn the sensitivity screw: if the scale marks more than 100, to downwards turn the screw in the sense of the needles of the clock, that is to say.