Templates Blogger

Not all free hosting services support this type of files or may take a long time to load if the hosting bandwidth is reduced, that makes the blog take to load.Although we can host them on Google Sites or Dropbox also we can accommodate the scripts in the template itself, thus the page load time will be shorter and will not be depending on an external Blogger service. Host live scripts in the template works for almost all cases, although it is possible to have one or another script that can resist and that if we will have to stay in an independent service. To host the scripts in the template there are two ways, one is entering design > edit HTML and before /head of paste the following: script type = text/javascript ///script how to get the contents of the script? Paste the URL of the script in the address bar of your browser, if you open a page full of code that is the content of the script; If instead you are downloading a file with a .js extension then opens the file with WordPad and copy and content of the script. The other option is: enter design > page elements > add a gadget > HTML/Javascript and paste there in an only element content of all the scripts you want. Would be almost the same way: script type = text/javascript content script/script with either of these two forms will stop relying on other services and save us some time to load the page to not depend on the bandwidth of others.