Teaching Windream

Positive results of the cooperation with the windream solutions partner entplexit Bochum. The Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (HTWdS) has decided to use the enterprise-content-management-system windream in research and teaching. The decision in favour of windreams is the result of a close cooperation between the Bochum ECM manufacturer of windream GmbH and entplexit GmbH in Darmstadt. After the consulting company entplexit has advised the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes in relation to the use of appropriate enterprise-content-management-systems, 2010 in the Faculty used windream there since the summer semester of Economics with great success. ECM in practice is the current and future target of installing windream primary is to give the students a practical insight into the workings of a modern enterprise-content-management-system and to show the use of benefits of an IT-based system company the adequate management of their information.

In addition tests windream but also while studying and active students. The leadership in the realization of this innovative project has taken over from the HTWdS Saarbrucken Prof. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Recode by clicking through. Dr. Daniel F. Abawi. He is also Professor of computer science with a focus on information management and is CIO of the Faculty of Economics at the same time.

The ECM system windream is used among others in his courses. Overall, the Department uses so far 60 windream licenses. The Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes is one of the strongest research universities nationwide. Around 4800 students belong to her. The project, windream ECM-system active in selected courses to integrate as, is recorded very positive according to Prof. Abawi among students. In addition, the economics and the HTWdS also plans windream in the future to use the ECM system to significantly extend the range in the field of workflow management. Also outside the Teaching continue to integrate windream also outside of the teaching in the IT landscape of the faculty.