style “margin-bottom:
style “margin-bottom: 0in line-height: 150 ” align “justify”> In this regard, the Industrial Credit Fund (FONCREI) according to information provided by Rafael Rivas, manager of Human Resources, 01y on 05 April this year a group of officials involved in the program called “The National School of Administration and Public Finance (ENAHP go to Public Financial System “where courses related to” The Role of Public Banking in the Socialist State, “” Financial Position of Public Banking, “International Negotiation” “Safety in Banking” and “The Human Talent present in Organizations.” L, sans-serif “> Rivas notes that such activities seek professional training and updating of staff and the creation of a platform that allows efficient public banks, through a sustainable program with the passage allow time to unify the approach from which undertakes the task of the public finance system and that each employee understands that meets a task for theVenezuelan state and not for himself.