State Implantation

Historical Secondly, we rescue part of introduction of secondary schools project in the state, because we believe that certain care in the elapsed project, can avoid wrong guidance, reaching optimized efforts. Keywords: PROEJA. Education. Professional. 1. Introduction This work has as objective to promote reflections that can contribute in the implantation of the Program of Integration of the Professional Education to Average Ensino in the Modality of Young Education of Adult PROEJA. From one soon analysis of the process occurred in the implantation of a project pilot of Integrated Average Education, in the state net of education of Mato Grosso.

The Project Integrated Average Education was elaborated and implanted for the State secretary of Education and the State secretary of Science and Technology. The methodology used in the research was of qualitative nature. It had as base comments of the reports, official acts of meetings, registers, stories, documents, interviews, surveys bibliographical studies. Its structure is organized in three parts. In the first part, a historical briefing of the Young education of Adult and of the Professional Education in Brazil, until the present moment. In the second part, we present the description of the Professional Education in the State of the Mato Grosso. In the third part, we tell the process of implantation of the Project of Integrated Average Ensino in the State of Mato Grosso as reflection around the points that could be considered, in the implantation of the PROEJA in the State Net of Education in the State of the Mato Grosso, preventing possible impediments. 2. Theoretical recital 2,1 the Education of Young and Adults the EJA? Education of Young Adult is a modality of education supported for law and directed toward people who had not had access, for some reason, to regular education in the appropriate age. Its development folloies history as a whole and had beginning with the catequizao work and education of the first letters, carried through for the Jesuits during Brazil Colony.