Scientific Director

It is important to understand that the supervisor is neither a sponsor nor the editor of the thesis, and the student should not rely on the fact that the manager must amend the existing research paper in spelling, stylistic and other errors. At various stages of preparation and execution of the thesis supervisor of the problem vary. In the first phase of the thesis supervisor advises on goals and objectives of the study, examine and adjust the work plan, makes recommendations on the selection of literature. In the course of the work is scientific director of the opponent, pointing out the shortcomings of the argument, composition, style, etc. and recommends how best to eliminate. For recommendations and observations of the supervisor must treat carefully a graduate student and critically. He may consider them or reject at their discretion, but Competent coverage of the topic, as well as the quality of content and presentation of research paper are entirely the responsibility of the graduate.

The completed and signed by the thesis, it seems undergraduates supervisor, no later than 10 days prior to the defense, who endorses it. After receiving the final version of the thesis supervisor within 3 days of a written response. The response should to be reflected the following: relevance of the topic, the main issues examined in the research paper, the most interesting questions presented, the scientific and practical significance of the study, the degree of autonomy in writing the thesis, the level of theoretical training graduate students, his knowledge of basic concepts and scientific literature on the chosen topic, methods used and analysis techniques, the validity of the findings; literacy presentation of the material, illustrative work. Particular attention is drawn to the existing work and shortcomings noted earlier, not eliminated graduate. Scientific leader motivates the possibility or otherwise of presentation of research paper for protection in the SAC.