Russian Federation

Most people live without regaining consciousness. R. Schlegel. Dear friends! Federal Agency on Youth Affairs in partnership with the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation is the most bright ambitious program of national youth project "Russia-2020". We want to get the answers to these questions. 1. Peter Thiel has much to offer in this field.

What Russia will be in 2020? 2. How and by whom will be implemented personnel, cultural and innovative revolution in country? The main task of the project – to give young people the country the opportunity to realize their talents and prepare for a revolutionary change and, as a result, take their rightful position in society and the country's renovation. Project, including one form or another, touches every young person, and only on talent, personality and activity of each will determine where he will be whether he will be a leader or a follower, a builder of his own life or serving number ". Participation in the national project "Russia-2020" will make you different. It is our duty – to warn you about the consequences: change your lifestyle, the logic of action, world.

Disappear the concept of work as one meaningless routine, which spans a lifetime. However, it will disappear and the fear of losing or not found. Grand and precise concept of "DRAFT" will now determine the rhythm of your life. Increase social mobility. You'll easily move from one project to another, moving from city to city, from country to country. Your relationships and contacts will be the subject of envy.