Milling and Engraving Equipment

Engraving-milling equipment used to process metal, plastic and other materials. There are two main types of such equipment, horizontal and vertical machines, the criterion of distinction – the direction of spindle milling machine. In contrast to the drill, where the tool is fixed and moves only vertically in the direction of the material under milling are also aware of the tool over the surface material and cropping on the required path. Movement of the tool are controlled with high accuracy system-wise move. Milling machines are controlled either manually or by mechanical automation or by numerical control (CNC). Virtually all milling and engraving equipment cnc is able to move the tool along the axis Z. This allows incremental coordinate use functions such as milling grooves, engraved 3D surfaces (2.5D surfaces from other sources, which means the limited use of this technology for milling high-grade 3-D surfaces, such as c concave or convex side surfaces) for engraving surfaces, often use additional tools such as bevel cutters, milling cutters with round tip, which can significantly increase effectiveness of engraving works in comparison with all hand engraving techniques.

Multi-engraving-milling machines – a type of milling and cnc engraving machines with the ability to use more three standard axes xyz. Horizontal milling machines, along with that have C or Q axis, which allows horizontal fixing tool, which can move in a circle about the center of the workpiece. Fifth-axis controls the slope of the tool itself. Types of milling and engraving machines, and main components: horizontal milling machines console widely-universal – with additional milling heads Universal (rotary table) vertical milling machines (including the console) with the mobile portal beskonsolnye Phillips table copy-milling machines Milling drum instrumental shirokouniversalnye Machines Milling Machines continuous action, including contour milling