League Stomach

Belongs to the already very long existing folk wisdom of medicine the assumption that stress on the stomach suggest it is a tense situation, because it has a potentially unpleasant date on. Maybe going to a public authority or you must pass an exam. Just the thought of it makes nervous a. Suddenly, in such a situation, many complain of diarrhea or other gastrointestinal complaints. But what does the stomach with an appointment to do? From such symptoms out of the popular belief has been a long, stress would affect the stomach. Is that really so? Beating stress on the stomach? What is stress in our body? Initially, adrenaline is secreted. This organism is in readiness and thus prepares a soon upcoming activity.

Already then cortisol distributed a few minutes, to mobilize all the forces. The effect of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol accelerates the heartbeat, thereby increasing blood pressure. From this the result is that the organs and muscles are faster supplied with oxygen and nutrients. What happens to the stomach? If the nerves are too tense, run the stomach peristalsis and the formation of gastric acid from the rudder. Stomach problems are indeed often stress dependent. The stomach responds stress namely via the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, the stomach can be described as a projection body for stress.

Permanent strain can lead to days stomach pressure and stomach rumblings, which often is associated with nausea and bloating. According to the technician, health insurance would have to do a quarter of the population at least once in life with an irritable stomach. While women are affected twice as often as men. Symptoms of an irritable stomach the usual signs of an irritable stomach is bloating, cramps, nausea, vomiting or regurgitation. So a doctor diagnosed a horse’s stomach, but two other factors are needed. The complaints must be longer than three months. In addition, there must be no organic cause for the symptoms. According to the German gastronomic League, 30 percent of irritable stomach patients at the same time, an irritable bowel syndrome would have to suffer. Symptoms of an irritable bowel syndrome the typical signs of an irritable bowel syndrome are bloating, irregular bowel movements, stitches in the heart area, increased sweating, circulatory disorders, and problems with urination. Terminally stress reduction and conversion of the dining plan on well-tolerated food obviously help as the initial measures. Overload should be avoided and regular movement supports the digestion. However, the disorder of gastrointestinal function is not curable. Therefore, patients need to learn to live with the discomfort and avoid the triggering factors. Peppermint main fabric of Mentha piperita is menthol. Its antispasmodic and slightly numbing effect on stomach irritation and intestinal problems. First appeared in the article “the assumption that belongs to the already very long existing folk wisdom of medicine that stress on” the stomach hit”here present as a basis for dier press release on the blog health portal.