Installation Panel
In a country where, in some regions, the sun if makes gift the entire year and in others appears for the most part of the days during the year, to disdain a clean power plant as the solar energy is not only wastefulness, but a true disrespect to the environment. The production of solar energy requires the use of devices such as the fotovoltaico solar panel. This equipment is capable to transform the solar energy into electric energy. Although the power plant of the sun is gratuitous, the use of this type of panel has in the acquisition cost its main limiter factor. The fotovoltaico solar panel is formed by cells that catch the light of the sun, called solar cells or fotovoltaicas cells. The energy produced for this panel is generated through the photoelectric effect. The fotovoltaicos panels count on a controller who is responsible for defining the amount of energy that the panel must transfer to the batteries.
The system of production of solar energy account still with storing device of energy that is capable to distribute it or in days at night where the solar rays are not capable to produce the energy, as in cloudy days. The electric energy produced and stored is distributed by the existing electric chain in the house. The installation of the panel can be carried through of two forms: in parallel or without series. The installation in series adds the chain without modifying the tension, respecting the Law of Ohm. The installation in parallel, in turn multiplies the tension with the unchanged chain. The installation also can be mixing, binding the panels in parallel and series. The installation depends on the purpose of the application and the values on desired tension and chain.
The equalizao of the load is protected with the installation of diodes. The place of rank of the panels also deserves attention. She is necessary to choose an area next to the consumption place of the energy, but that it does not have sombreamento. The places most common of installation of the solar panel are roofs, poles, flagstone, enter other spaces. For each desired place, it is necessary to use the ideal supports in order to prevent any type of incident in the installation or elapsing of the use. Beyond the place, the positioning of the panel also must follow some basic cares that draw out its use or that they prevent future problems. The installation to have to be made respecting an ideal inclination of form that does not allow the accumulation of dirt. The setting of the panels also must consider the action of natural agents, as the wind or storms.