Holland Technology

Clinker bricks Clinker in German means 'brick'. Generation of the Russian language 'clinker', that is, brick, brick, – an absurdity, but quite nice. Clinker for 2 centuries. His father – the Dutch. Trying compensate for the absence of natural stone materials, they have started production of clinker – high-density ceramic stone. At the beginning of the xix century was built clinker road, connecting Amsterdam and Haarlem.

From Holland Technology clinker production spread first to neighboring western European countries, and from there to the U.S In Tsarist Russia, too, were plants producing clinker, but their work ended with the arrival of Communists, who, above all, needed cheap construction materials. In Europe, the clinker is used very actively. Given the fact that in recent years increased interest in traditional materials and architectural decisions, it is not surprising that an increasing number of objects is constructed of clinker brick. Building with a representative of clinker facades adorn the streets and contribute to improving the overall appearance building blocks. Another area of application, where the clinker is simply irreplaceable, is a low-rise building of a manor. In this area, the traditional brick hard to find a decent alternative.

With increasing volumes of suburban housing and the increasing share of gentrification in our country clinker purchased and Russian customers. Of course, such a wide scope of application of this material due to its many positive qualities. Distinctive Properties of clinker. The most important feature of the clinker is its frost resistance, ie the ability to withstand the alternating cycles of freezing and thawing without compromising their physical and technical, operational and aesthetic characteristics.