Eddy Chacon Run Eddy Run Yahoo.es
Eddy Chacon run eddy run yahoo.es / eddychacon gmail.com Curriculum Vitae For 15 years I began self-taught art so I approached the art through free workshops with important Venezuelan artists at the Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imberger, where these workshops were indeed more than thirteen years ago. I was interested to use the language of photography and video to try to get closer to our social context and questioning our social time and particularly interested pol tico.Me exploratory issues about identity. Particularly I was interested Bolivar approached from the point of its image and its interpretation of it, given the complex social reality that concerns us and the influence of Bolivarianism in all spheres of life of our country. The work I do tries to find his subjects in the aspects of our social reality. I have used resources such as photography, video tools, but also prints, or facility, the means of the Internet, the use of documentary techniques like the interview that has enabled me to propose a kind of visual inventories, which sociological studies intended to be rigorous but try to present a particular view of ourselves in our hybridizations and contradictions. Caracas, Venezuela in 1961. Graduate advertising – IUT RC Studies of 8 semesters of journalism, Universalized Central de Venezuela 1996 Free Training Workshops at the Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imber Drawing with Octavio 1997-99 Russo, Free Training Workshops Maccsi.1998 Drawing with Pedro Leon Zapata.Free Training Workshops Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imberger (Macsi) .1999-2006 Contemporary Art Workshop with Antonio Lazo Maccsi.2001 free training workshops Contemporary Art Workshop with Hasdrubal Colmenares2001-2002 Workshop materials technology, Onofre Fr as2002 Workshop on creating projects Carlos Zerpa2002-2003 Ricardo Bena m2003 Workshop Workshop video art, Nan Gonz lez2005 Video Art Workshop, Nelson Garrido2006 Organization Photography Workshop, Marcos Lopez, Nelson Garrido2006 Organization Joan Font Cuberta Seminar, Organizacion Nelson Garrido Exhibitions colectivas2001 Space Collective MACSI.Contemporary Art Workshop Antonio Lazo2001 Collective Festival Atempo, Eladio German Sucre, Valencia, Edo Carabobo2001 Collective Shoe Project, Eladio German Sucre, Valencia, Edo Carabobo2001 Collective Arts Festival Tunja, Colombia2002 Collective Shoe Project, Cyborg Celarg2002 Festival-Valencia, Edo Carabobo2005 I International Biennial of Video Art. Hasdrubal Foundation Colmenares, Caracas, Trujillo, San Cristobal, Merida, Maracaibo, Choroni – Award-2nd Lugar2005 ExxonMobil Art Salon, Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas – Mention Honor fica2005 Caracas Flash Festival – JAN Incidents Caracas20050 Arturo Michelena Museum of t Los Teques, Edo.Miranda2005 Sal n Aragua, Maracay, Edo. Aragua2006 Collective Current in printmaking in Carabobo, Office of the Print and Drawing, Valencia, Edo Carabobo (opening June 25) 2006 I International Biennial of Photography Venezuela 2006, Museo Alejandro Otero2006 I Bienal Internacional del Fuego Museo de Bellas Artes2007 V Hall Hebraica2007 Ateneo de Valencia, Homage to Armando Rever n2008 Salon Michelena, Braulio Salazar Award 2009 Evening of Santa Lucia, Project A Book for St. Lucia 2009