The poet was born in a humble family of the suburb, other people’s of all the difficulties and perigos in its return. He was adopted to the two years of age, living with this new family until completing 18 years. Since its infancy, he liked to contemplate the nature, to write small poems and keeps them, as he was himself its small daily one. Shy, not possua friends in the school, much less in the quarter where it liveed, exactly thus, costumava to talk with people who crossed its way in beaches, the parks, squares, at last, where it was possible to contemplate the nature for some daily moments. To the 15 years, it discovered its first passion. One was about a girl who studied in the same school and that to the times she liked to talk with it. Adroll pursues this goal as well.
Extrovert, very did not bind for the shyness of the poet or its same silence in classroom. Whenever they could they met in the square in front of school and passed hours talking on any subject of its interest. the poet dreamed in its cocoon, of one day to be able to namorar that pretty girl, colored person of the clear eyes and long hair, inspired source of many poetries its. However, its shyness confused to it. Two years of friendship and love not corresponded had been transferred, when its twin soul if moved with its father for a distant quarter, being obliged to be transferred of school. For the poet, this event was the moment most painful of its life until that moment. A anguish took account of its heart for the first time in the life, the life seemed to lose its direction and its performance in the school started to fall down disastrously from a high place of a sufficiently preoccupying form. Months had been transferred to heal the wound caused for the absence of its first love.