CSSC Equipment

Sump OM-2 is designed to determine the percentage of the total sand and washed sand in a sample of mud. Sump OM-2 is designed to determine the percentage of sand in a sample of clay solution. The content of mud solids drilled rocks and undissolved lumps of clay is determined by the sand content in the sample solution, who defend a 1 min rest in the sump of the sample, diluted with water ratio of 1:9. The device consists of several parts: a cylindrical vessel with a sealing lid, which serves both for measuring the solution; glass burettes, which strengthens the lower part of the vessel at screw and washer through the crossbar with a rubber gasket. Sealing is ensured by attaching a burette with a rubber gasket. Specifications: Capacity tank, cm : 500 15 Capacity tubes cm : 10 Capacity cup, cm : 50 1 range for determining the content of sand in the sump, cm : 0,5-10 Graduation tube, cm : 0,2 The delivery tank SM-2 includes: settling OM-2, glass, manual. 'Chemical Technology '- a wide range of chemical products, equipment and appliances. Chemical products for industrial and laboratory supplies, organic and inorganic acids and bases, and salts of organic inorganic acids, organic solvents, indicators. The equipment necessary for full functioning of a modern laboratory equipment for nefteanaliza, chromatographic and electrochemical analysis equipment to analyze the physical and chemical parameters for any media, as well as ancillary laboratory equipment for sampling and sample preparation, weighing equipment, and thermostat heating equipment, mixing devices, electrical laboratory equipment and much more. Hydrometer ADB-1, EBE-2 Viscometer, Cone spreadability of the CD-1, CTC Laboratory LGR-3 mixer LMR-1, OM-Drain 2, Pycnometer P-1, instrument Vick, BM-6, SVC-01, KC-3 KC-5, SNS-2, Stalagmometr ST-1, PKN unit-2, CA cylinder stability-2 NTF-acid-OEDF acid, lime, borax, 5 water, 10 water, Mel, caustic soda technical, Polyelectrolyte MIC-402 and Silica Gel IBC, KSKG, SHSMG, Sulfatsell-2 Sulfonol, Activated carbon, mud powder, barite, dolomite weighting, CSSC, Neonol, saponified tall pitch VPRG reagent (dry hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile) Reapon, Sial, FHLS-M, GL-1 Graphite , Graphite Grease, Lubricants, thread and surfactant consignment note PKD-515, Wetting OP-7 OP-10, Penta-465, CMC, PAC-B, PAC-N SNPH, corrosion inhibitor Vikor.