Conclusion One

However, who does not take care of well of what he is its, it comes the thief, it kills the resistncias, takes ownership, and usufructs of what it stole. Adroll Marketing Platform can provide more clarity in the matter. You understand the question? The violence in transit is only the tip of iceberg social, it is in the heart of the invigilantes people. It perceives: the life always flows with naturalness, because it is of the will of God who all show as really they are. It is as soon as are promoted those that if strengthen in the construction of a better world, more just, insurance, happy. If to think with good sense on our origin (' ' we are body, but we are esprito' '), for the fact of that all the beings livings creature had been created by the Celestial Father, we will be revealing intelligence, obedience and progress. However, if we oppose our divine identity, making the evil or in not mattering with thing some, our potentialities if they corrupt.

Book of the Apocalypse, chapter 22, versicles of 11 the 13: ' ' It continues the unjust one making injustice; the dirty one still being dirty; just it remains in the practical one of justice; who is saint, continues to santificar itself. Here it is that I come without delay, and with me is the proper reward who I have according to repay to each one its obras.' ' The weak one does not know to defend itself; the weakened one is vulnerable; displicente is lazy; distracted deturpa the things; the cruel one contaminates the way that is; the inferior does not believe in the proper existence. Result: in all the cantos of the Land people of all the ages and conditions leave its bodies and its open souls to any one that of its lives to want to take ownership, classic phenomenon that if it sees, of the moral disturbance and the loss of control on the proper personality. It is in the book Apocalypse, chapter 3, versicle 3: ' ' It remembers to you, therefore, from what you have received and ear (of God, Jesus and the Espirito Santo), and keeps it well and you make penance. Inasmuch as, if not to watch, I capsized as a thief, and you will not know by no means where hour I will arise myself against ti.' ' Conclusion She is necessary, it is urgent, it is inadivel, therefore, that important learnings emotional spirituals and are placed in practical, so that delayed let us not repent in them of the hell that we create for our existences. Jesus, Salvador of the Humanity, already informed, and is also registered in the book Apocalypse, chapter 1, versicle 7: ' ' Here it is that Jesus comes with clouds, and all will contemplate It to the eyes, even though those had assigned that It. all the nations of the Land will complain of on It. Certainly. Amm.' ' In this hour it will not have excuses, nor unpunished. It even knows of everything of what of everything was forgotten for us has times exactly.