Changes in Technology

Technological change is not important in itself, but it is important to the extent that they affect the competitive advantage. Not all technological changes are strategically beneficial, some may worsen the competitive position of a company and the attractiveness of a sector. High technology does not guarantee profitability. However, the technology help or benefit the value chain of a company, since it extends beyond technology directly associated with the product. SAP One real example Business Systems, Applications and Projects (Systems Applications and Products) For more than 30 years, SAP solutions have helped companies of all sizes to improve their competitiveness by automating and optimizing their business processes. With 10 million users, over 60. 100 software installations, a thousand partners and 23 industry solutions, SAP has a long client list that includes small and medium enterprises and major multinational companies.

All the tools you need for small and medium enterprises. With SAP Business One, both managers and employees have a greater and more effective access to timely and reliable information, allowing them to make sound business decisions. With its offer of a wide range of features and functionality, SAP Business One provides all the tools necessary to lead a prosperous and growing company, including: a Management: Customize and backs up data quickly, thus defining currency exchange rates, permissions and alerts, and accessing information from non-SAP software. a Financial management: Perfect for all financial activities, including general accounting, creation and maintenance of accounts, journal entries, foreign currency adjustments and the budget. a Sales: Easily create price quotations, entering orders, deliveries creating, updating and managing inventory levels of all bills and items of debtors. a Shopping: Manages all activities with suppliers, including contracts, orders, update stock numbers in stock, imported goods, manure management and credits and payments.

Business partners: Organizes and effectively monitor all information about its customers, distributors and suppliers, including profiles, contact summaries, account balances and sales forecasting analysis. a Online Banking: Manage without effort all financial processes, such as cash receipts, creating checks, deposits, advance payments, credit card payments and bank reconciliation. a Warehouse Management: Manage inventory levels, items, price lists, special price agreements, transfers between warehouses and stock transactions. a Final assembly: Define precisely the lists of materials, create work orders and checking or doing reports on the availability of products and materials. a Controlling: Identifies the profit centers and the absorption factors for overhead and generate profit and loss reports for each center. a Management Reporting: Create powerful reports for virtually every aspect of your business including customer and supplier debt, sales, cash flow, customer contact summaries, bookkeeping, warehouse stock, financial statements, pricing, customer activities , etc.