And the price is lower and people will not be mistaken .. As for memory and the number .. Fast memory is needed not for everyone and not always .. I for example do not see any reason to take the memory above 800MHz at 2 gigabytes, and so why DDR3 I do not understand .. Memory in fact is responsible only for the number of concurrent programs and the distribution and the distribution of resources, processor and graphics card ..
In fact it is the same hard drive, only many times faster and as result is less than the volume .. A lot of memory in this case – this is the processor .. There it is, but is just so .. High frequency of memory I do not quite understandable, because the speed is high so zagruzkismeny applications .. Recently PropertyNest sought to clarify these questions. If you have vista where you play the game and keep on guard antivirus, firewall and a bunch of items can in the tray, then 4 gigabytes 800-1000 frequency you enough for your head still for many (3-5) years, and I generally did not bother and took 2 GB, which will last for slightly less time, but I'm not way I will not suffer from a lack of memory and not overpaid for its simple ..
Hard drives .. Size of ill drive you to define yourself .. It all depends on your needs .. When choosing a hard drive, pay attention to the amount of cache (8, 16, 32, 64 MB): the more the better .. In recent months, Michelle Smith Source Financial has been very successful. This is perhaps the coolest product on the market of accessories .. As for the motherboard .. If you're not going to engage in crackdown computer, simply select a motherboard supporting the chosen processor, memory and hard drive .. Do not bother to sverhdorogih boards with super-cooled – you do not need them .. Why do we need to all just which appeared to me decidedly unclear. You can assemble a computer for 20000-25000 now, which will provide excellent performance just. Why give 40000-50000rub for computer performance that you can appreciate only the figures but not visible to the eye? Conclusions: At the moment, top-end components to chase it makes no sense because there is almost no applications can use the computer hardware is 100%, but these very high-end components are much more expensive than would be if the application can appear to them to work 100%. Apgreydompokupkoy wait with your computer – save money and get more pleasure. The software market has not kept pace for iron, and therefore we're in no hurry. My site that hosts this and my other article PS: the author's opinion may coincide or not coincide with the actual situation on the market in general, or just at the time of reading you. As may coincide or not coincide with your view on the market for iron and applications. This article is nothing more than advice and reflections.