Body For other
Body For other uses, see Management (disambiguation). The Administration also known as Business Administration is social science, technology and art that deals with the planning, organization, direction and control of resources (human, financial, material, technological, knowledge, etc.) of the organization, to obtain the maximum benefit, this benefit may be economic or social, depending upon the aims of the organization.Modern management of the organization, focusing on strategy and focused on customer needs Decomposing the definition we have: Planning: The process begins with the vision of Issue 1 of the organization, the organization’s mission, set goals, Strategies and organizational policies, using as tool the strategic map, all this taking into account the strengths / weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities / threats in the context (SWOT Analysis). The planning covers the long term (5 years to 10 or more years), medium term (between 1 year and 5 years) and the short term where the annual budget is developed in more detail.Organize: Answer the questions, Who will perform the task, involves designing the organization chart defining responsibilities and obligations How is to perform the task, When be performed, by designing business process, providing for Cursogramas how they should perform the tasks and time sequence in which in short is to coordinate and synchronize organize. Directing: The influence and persuasion exerted through the leadership of individuals to achieve objectives alleging that in making decisions using logic models and intuitive decision making. Control: The performance measurement of the amount expended, compared with the objectives and targets set, the deviations are detected and taken steps to correct them.The review is conducted at the strategic, tactical level and operational level, the entire organization is evaluated through a system of management control on the other side also hire external audits, which analyze and control the different functional areas of the organization. The subject matter of the administration are the organizations and therefore applies to private and public enterprises, public institutions and agencies, and various private institutions. For example, churches, universities, municipal governments and agencies, provincial, national, hospitals, foundations, etc., and all types of privatecompanies and even families and households. Functional areas of study of the administration or financial management Corporate Finance Business Administration (Marketing or Marketing), Organization of the classic pyramidal organizations, functional areas.Production management or operations Human Resources Administration, as the functional areas more features, but can also be found departments: Management Information Technology Organization and method Management Strategic Planning, Knowledge Management, Project Management , Managing the supply chain and logistics, etc. as the most prevalent within organizations. The Administration is closely related to other sciences such as Economics, Accounting, Psychology, Sociology, Politics, Mathematics, Statistics, and also with Anthropology, History, Geography and Philosophy.Epistemologically speaking, the word derives from the Latin AD Administration ministrare where Ad means the service and ministrare means, which follows the idea of serving something or someone, in my opinion today would serve the Company, making it more productive (Efficiency), for the fulfillment of its objectives (effectiveness).